With summer just around the corner, we take a look at some flooring ideas you can use to transform your outdoor spaces.
Building a patio can be seen as adding a new room to the home. A great garden patio enhances the outside and adds an area from which you can sit back and enjoy the sunshine. Though not any old flooring will do, as you need something tough, reliable and can withstand the unpredictable changes in weather.
Garden Patio Tile Ideas
Porcelain tiles are some of the best choices when looking for a long-lasting patio flooring. This type of flooring is both frost resistant and thermal shock resistant, making it prepared for any sudden drops in temperature. At Best4flooring, all of our porcelain ranges provide a lasting and stylish finish to your outdoor areas.
Take a look below at our three outdoor flooring collections.
Loft Porcelain Tiles
The Loft porcelain collection is a selection of 4 20cm x 20cm patterned tiles that provide a vibrant, rustic feel to your outside areas. Prepare your perfect garden pathway with these unique waterproof and stain resistant designs.
Gabana Porcelain Tiles
The Gabana porcelain collection provides a selection of 6 antique, aged finished patterns that will give your patio a rustic, homely appearance. These 20cm x 20cm square tiles have rounded edges and a subtle lustre effect that delivers a soft shimmering in natural light.
Bohemia Porcelain Tiles
The Bohemia porcelain tiles collection is made of 8 unique patterns that provide a worn, stylish finish to your outdoor areas. These hexagon tiles offer an alluring mixture of colours and designs with worn edges, which help create a varied and timeless appeal.
Our porcelain tiles fit perfectly in the home too! This helps when you want to bring a little vibrancy indoors when the good weather decides to take a turn for the worse!
How snug! @thecampbellabode gave their bathroom flooring a floral twist with the help of our Hanna Porcelain Tiles.
For all your outside flooring queries, don't hesitate to contact our team of flooring experts.